Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Lentil Loaf Smackdown Part the First

Antiprincess has issued a challenge. Bring on your finest lentil loaf recipe, with a prize for the most authentic, weirdest, and most edible.

The prize? dunno yet, perhaps it's the honor of having a publically recognized lentil loaf recipe. Perhaps I'll make a kitchen widget you can put on your blog, informing the known universe that you make a damn fine lentil loaf!

I swear I can feel my leg hair growing every time I say that.Lentil loaf lentil loaf. Yup. Almost braidable.

(Bad rootie for making fun of that staple of organic lesbian collectives everywhere) Anyway, I'm off to see if I can scare up Laurels Kitchen and her once-tried recipe for Lentil Loaf.


antiprincess said...

I don't know, though - is lentil loaf real, or is it just legendary? strawfood if you will? like waybread, or butterbeer?

Rootietoot said...

oh it's real. I've eaten it. Everyone who makes it swears it's just the tastiest thang EVAR, which means they dont want to look like an idiot for having made something with the color and consistancy of constipated baby poop.

antiprincess said...

ok, what's a nice girl like you doing in a place where they serve lentil loaf without a side of irony?


No idea if this link will work but recipe #4 is lentil meatloaf.

The whole site is rather fun.

Rootietoot said...

Oh Antiprincess, my mother went through the whole '70's macrobiotic/no sugar/red meat is evil. I was but a child at the time. It is why I own a copy of Laurels Kitchen, it is also why I eat my beef rare and in mammoth portions. My mother made Lentil Loaf about once a month, when she was feeling particularly vegetarian. She'd do it wearing earth shoes.

Antiprincess and Rootietoot said...

rootie - my dad and my stepmother's family also went through that phase.

see, for my rebellion against lentil loaf and earth shoes - I blame my own little patriarchy.

belledame222 said...

blergh. i guess i should be grateful that my mom was pretty anti-hippie (even if she did have the hair and the records).

butterbeer now, i'd actually want to try that.

Rootietoot said...

Belledame- I challenge you to find or create a recipe for butterbeer. There is a microbrewery where I used to live that makes this astonishingly good apricot beer, I think I'd start with that. Or something like it.

It would be difficult, I think, to keep the beer cold and the butter molten.

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